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Center for Environmental Exposures and Disease


SPECIAL 2015-16 RFP: COMMUNITY-ENGAGED ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH PROJECTS In the fall of 2015, CEED issued a special call for proposals to link environmental research to communities affected by environmental problems. The RFP required that researchers work with CEED members affiliated with the Community Outreach and Engagement Core (COEC) and community organizations to prepare collaborative projects.…
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January 14, 2016 0

2014-15 CEED Pilot Projects Awarded

In the 2014-15 program year, CEED reviewed 13 pilot proposals and awarded funds to 5 projects at approximately $25,000 per project. Following are summaries of the newly-funded projects. Effect of Nanotechnology-enabled Consumer Sprays on Personal Microbial Environment Gedi Mainelis and Donna Fennell (SEBS, Environmental Sciences) (1) Nanoparticles and their agglomerates released during the use of nanotechnology-enabled…
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September 23, 2014 0

Richardson, Aleksunes funded to research gene-environment interactions between pesticides and neurodegeneration including Parkinson’s Disease

Jason Richardson and Lauren Aleksunes, co-PIs, were awarded $1,250,000 (direct costs) by NIH/NIEHS for Gene-Environment Interactions in Neurodegeneration: Role of Efflux Transporters.  (1R01-ES021800-A1, 07/01/14 – 06/30/19). The overall objective of this proposal is to identify MDR1 as a primary efflux transporter responsible for removing pesticides from the brain and protecting against neurodegeneration. This project will…
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June 2, 2014 0

Environmental Health Pilot Program Request for Proposals

CEED, in collaboration with EOHSI, is soliciting applications for its 2014 Pilot Project Program. Pilot funding supports new environmental health research with the potential to improve human health. * The deadline for submitting proposals has been extended to Monday, June 16, 2014.* The mission of CEED is to understand how environmental exposures are integrated with…
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May 14, 2014 0