CEED Environmental Health Pilot Projects: Deadline Extended to March 22, 2018

CEED Environmental Health Pilot Projects: Proposals due March 22, 2018
The Center for Environmental Exposure and Disease (CEED) at Rutgers University requests proposals for Pilot Project Grants, up to $20,000. The goal of this funding opportunity is to promote environmental research with the potential to improve human health.
Applications will be due on March 22, 2018. Award letters will be issued by May 1, 2018. All funds must be spent by March 1, 2019, at which time awardees must provide an interim progress report. Please see the attached Pilot Projects Announcement for details.
Inquiries to be directed to:
Kimi Nakata, MPH, MSSW, NIEHS Center Administrator
PHONE – (848) 445-0194 FAX – (732) 445-0922
E-mail: knakata@eohsi.rutgers.edu
Website: https://ceed.rutgers.edu/pilot-project-program/