ProfessorPharmacology and Toxicology-Rutgers EMSOP
CandeVAnanth, Ph.D., MPH
Professor and ChiefRutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical SchoolDivision of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Repro Sciences
ClintonJAndrews, ScB, PhD
Professor and Associate Dean for ResearchRutgers University’s Bloustein SchoolRutgers Center for Green Building
TracyAnthony, PhD
Rutgers-SEBSNutritional Sciences
GaryAston-Jones, PhD
Ph.D.Rutgers-RWJMSBrain Health Institute
JulienAyroles, Ph.D.
Ayroles LabPrinceton University
CesarBandera, PhD
NJITSchool of Management
ElisaBandera, MD, PhD
Rutgers-CINJSurgical Oncology
EmilyBarrett, PhD
CEED Deputy DirectorRutgers Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences InstituteSchool of Public Health -Biostatistics and Epidemiology
JoanBennett, PhD
ProfessorRutgers-SEBSPlant Biology and Pathology
AlisonBernstein, PhD
Associate Director
LeonardBielory, MD
Rutgers-SEBSEnvironmental Science
MartinBlaser, MD
Center for Advanced Biotechnology and MedicineRutgers University
BrianBuckley, PhD
Executive Director, Director of ResearchRutgers-EOHSICEED – Chemical Analytical and Detection Core
JoannaBurger, PhD
Rutgers-SASCell Biology
StephenKBurley, M.D., D.Phil.
Director, Center for Integrative Proteomics ResearchRutgers UniversityCenter for Integrative Proteomics Research
JoseGuillermoCedeno Laurent, MSc, ScD
Assistant ProfessorRutgers UniversityEOHSI – Division of Environmental and Population Health Biosciences
SuzieChen, PhD
Rutgers-EMSOPChemical Biology
ProfessorRutgers SASDepartment of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
PhilipDemokritou, Ph.D.
Rutgers Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute – School of Public HealthEOHSI Division of Environmental and Population Health Biosciences
EmanuelDiCicco-Bloom, MD
Rutgers-RWJMSNeuroscience and Cell Biology
MariaGloriaDominguez Bello
Rutgers University – SEBSBiochemistry and Microbiology
Chief of Staff for research
MingzhuFang, Ph.D.
NJ Department of Environmental ProtectionRisk Assessment
NancyFiedler, PhD
Rutgers-SPHEnvironmental and Occupational Health
EllenCFrancis, Ph.D.
Assistant ProfessorRutgers School of Public Health
PhilipFurmanski, PhD
Rutgers-RWJMSMolecular Genetics, Microbiology and Immunology
PanosGeorgopoulos, PhD
ProfessorRutgers-SPHDepartment of Environmental Health and Justice
PeterGillies, PhD
Rutgers-SEBSNJ Institute for Food Nutrition and Health
MichaelGochfeld, MD, PhD
Rutgers-SPHEnvironmental and Occupational Health
LarryGolbe, MD
MarionGordon, PhD
Rutgers-EMSOPPharmacology and Toxicology
AndrewGow, PhD
Rutgers-EMSOPPharmacology and Toxicology
JudithGraber, PhD
GraceGuo, PhD
Rutgers-EMSOPPharmacology and Toxicology
BeatriceHaimovich, PhD
Professor and Chair, Department of Human EcologySchool of Environmental and Biological Sciences
WilliamTHu, MD, PhD, FAAN
Associate Professor and Chief of Cognitive NeurologyRutgers UniversityInstitute for Health, Health Care, Policy, and Aging Research
SabihaHussain, MD
Assistant ProfessorRutgers Cancer Institute of New JerseyCancer Epidemiology and Health Outcomes
PeterJaffé, Ph.D.
Professor of Civil and Environmental EngineeringPrinceton UniversityCivil and Environmental Engineering
ProfessorRobert Wood Johnson Medical SchoolPsychiatry
OlgaFJarrin Montaner
Associate ProfessorRutgers UniversitySchool of Nursing
HowardKipen, MD, MPH
Rutgers-SPHEnvironmental and Occupational Health
Ah-Ng TonyKong, PhD
AlexanderKusnecov, PhD
DebraLaskin, PhD
CEED Deputy DirectorRutgers-EMSOPPharmacology and Toxicology
JeffreyLaskin, PhD
Distinguished ProfessorEnvironmental and Occupational Health and Justice- Rutgers SPH
RobertLaumbach, MD, MPH
DirectorRutgers-SPHEnvironmental and Occupational Health
Jeehiun (JK)Lee, PhD
Rutgers-SASChemistry and Chemical Biology
LauraLiang, DrPH, CHES
Rutgers-SPHHealth Systems and Policy
Shou-enLu, PhD
KiranMadura, PhD
GediminasMainelis, PhD
Rutgers-SEBSEnvironmental Science
ElizabethMarshall, Ph.D.
Rutgers University – SPHEpidemiology
ProfessorRutgers School of Arts and Sciences
JoshuaMiller, PhD
Professor and ChairNutritional Services – Rutgers-SEBS
Director – Clinical ServicesDepartment of Veteran Affairs (VA) War-related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC)
Ph.D.Rutgers – RBHSRutgers Institute for Translational Medicine
StefaniaPapatheodorou, MD, PhD, MSc
Associate ProfessorRutgers School of Public Health
LaurenPoole, PhD
WendyMPurcell, Ph.D
Professor and Vice Chair EducationRutgers-SPHDepartment of Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice
JaredMRadbel, M.D.
RWJ BarnabasCritical Care Medicine
SallyRadovick, MD
JasonR.Richardson, PhD
ProfessorFlorida International UniversityRobert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work
ZorimarRivera-Nunez, Ph.D., M.S.
Assistant ProfessorBiostatistics and EpidemiologyRutgers School of Public Health
MarkRobson, PhD, MPH
Rutgers-SEBSAgricultural and Urban Programs
TroyRoepke, PhD
Rutgers-SEBSAnimal Sciences
Associate ProfessorRutgers-SPHDepartment of Urban-Global Public Health
RWJ – Barnabas HealthGlobal Health
DipakSarkar, PhD
Rutgers-SEBSAnimal Science
StephanSchwander, MD, PhD
Rutgers-SPHEnvironmental and Occupational Health
SokoSetoguchi, MD, DrPH, FISPE
Professor of Medicine and EpidemiologyRutgers Robert Wood Medical School and Rutgers School of Public Health
SusanShapses, PhD
Rutgers-SEBSNutritional Sciences
DerekShendell, DEnv
Professor & Director of NJ Safe Schools Program (SPH)Rutgers School of Public HealthEnvironmental and Occupational Health and Justice
Weichung JoeShih, PhD
IgorShmarakov, PhD, ScD
L. CodySmith, Ph.D
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and ToxicologyUniversity of ConnecticutDepartment of Pharmaceutical Sciences
PhoebeStapleton, Ph.D
JudithStorch, PhD
Rutgers-SEBSNutritional Sciences
NanjooSuh, PhD
Rutgers-EMSOPChemical Biology
JagSunderram, MD
Rutgers-RWJMS,Medicine – Pulmonary
VasanthiSunil, PhD
Rutgers-EMSOPPharmacology and Toxicology
JayTischfield, PhD
IrisUdasin, MD
Rutgers-RWJMSEnvironmental and Occupational Medicine
MehmetUzumcu, PhD
Rutgers-SEBSAnimal Science
MichaelVerzi, Ph.D.
Associate ProfessorRutgers UniversitySAS – Department of genetics
GenoaWarner, Ph.D.
Assistant ProfessorNew Jersey Institute of TechnologyChemical and Environmental Science
WilliamWelsh, PhD
CharlesJWeschler, Ph.D.
Adjunct ProfessorRutgers UniversityEOHSI- Environmental and Population Health Bio-Sciences
LoriWhite, PhD
Rutgers-SEBSBiochemistry and Microbiology
ShuoXiao, Ph.D.
Assistant ProfessorRutgers University – Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
GuofengYou, PhD
HelmutZarbl, PhD
CEED DirectorRutgers Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences InstituteSchool of Public Health – Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice
LipingZhao, PhD
Ph.D.Rutgers- SEBSBiochemistry and Microbiology
RenpingZhou, PhD
Rutgers-EMSOPChemical Biology
HaoZhu, PhD
ProfessorTulane UniversityDivision of Biomedical Informatics and Genomics