Registration CEED Environmental Health Summit: CoVID 19, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Virtual Seminar Series

Fall 2020

Environmental Health Summit:

CoVID-19, Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Session 1 of 7

CoVID-19 is Fundamentally an Environmental and Occupational Disease

September 23, 2020 - 10:00 AM

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This series “kick off,” will set the tone for the series. It will include voices from the front lines as well as cover preliminary findings from our Healthcare Worker Study. It will also offer justice solutions. During CoVid, the lowest paid, least protected workers were deemed essential. What are the lessons learned from the surge in April? Did we incorporate the best practices? Are we ready for another surge? Did we protect workers? What more needs to be done? The message to public health people that the answer to COVID transmission lies in industrial hygiene and not infectious disease control.

Tentative participants

  • Emily Barrett, EOHSI

  • Deb McFadden, NJWEC

  • Warehouse Worker

  • Teacher ESP

Moderator: Mike Gochfeld

For additional information, contact Kerry Butch at

Upcoming Series Sessions


Youth as Active Agents of Change

Throughout the 2020 pandemic, the experiences of young adults outside of education have not been at the center of our attention. This session will present the voices and experiences of young folks in New Jersey as we figure out how to navigate our first jobs, build independence, fight for improvements to our society, find romance, support our families, and serve our communities. Our presenters will share how young folks all over New Jersey are finding ways to keep moving through our youth as safely as possible even though the world around has come to a standstill. Speakers will share their work and studies related to environmental and occupational health, their experiences as essential workers, and their advice for how to safely keep social connections for personal growth and community change during the pandemic. Audience members will have an opportunity to hear testimonials from young folks and ask us questions without having to decipher hashtags.  

Stress as a factor in the COVID-19 pandemic: developing resilience in families and children


Stress is known to affect our immunity and may be a factor in susceptibility to viral illnesses.  The unprecedented stress on families and children caused by the COVID pandemic is the topic of this webinar,  We will focus on mental health, stress and coping from the perspective of mental health clinicians, school based professionals, and children.

Transportation, Transportation and Education


Covid 19 and Cumulative Impacts

How and why did we have such disparate impacts? What needs to be done about it? Black and Brown Community activists share lessons learned and hopes for the future. NJEJA. ICC, EJ roots of disparities related to COVID-19, and current initiatives.

Contract tracing- need to identify any EH links


Throughout the 2020 pandemic, the experiences of young adults outside of education have not been at the center of our attention. This session will present the voices and experiences of young folks in New Jersey as we figure out how to navigate our first jobs, build independence, fight for improvements to our society, find romance, support our families, and serve our communities. Our presenters will share how young folks all over New Jersey are finding ways to keep moving through our youth as safely as possible even though the world around has come to a standstill. Speakers will share their work and studies related to environmental and occupational health, their experiences as essential workers, and their advice for how to safely keep social connections for personal growth and community change during the pandemic. Audience members will have an opportunity to hear testimonials from young folks and ask us questions without having to decipher hashtags.